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At the Feet of The Mother

Death and Rebirth

The soul is a seed of the Divine that has come from the Divine into this world of ignorance and pain where darkness and unconsciousness and falsehood and death presently reign. The purpose of this implantation is precisely to change this world into a world of Truth and Light and Bliss and the marvel it is meant to be.
An essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
... the seeking for physical immortality is not out of any personal desire but as part of the fulfillment of the grand design of the Divine for which the earth and body was made.
A Talk in English (video)
This talk by Dr Alok Pandey takes up the subject of life and death as seen from a spiritual perspective. Followed by questions 'Practical means to find the soul,' 'Physics and metaphysics', 'Buddhist and other perspectives of the individual soul'.
Death, struggle, suffering, evil are a passage, not the beginning nor the end of things. We want to avoid this passage; then we shall also avoid the great goal towards which creation tends.
An Essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
We are challenged to explore the realms unknown. When we confront the limits of the known then it is time to go deeper and further into the unknown.