ऑडियो सुनें
यूट्यूब वीडियो देखें
ज्ञान की स्तिथि | योग समन्वय Pt2 Ch2 | Class SYH 21
ज्ञान का लक्ष्य | योग समन्वय Pt2 Ch1 | Class SYH 20
अतिमानस और कर्मयोग | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch13 | Class SYH 19
दिव्य कर्म | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch12 | Class SYH 18
कर्म के अधीश्वर | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch11 | SYH 17
त्रिगुणात्मक प्रकृति | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch10 | SYH 16
समता एवं अहं भाव से मुक्ति | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch9 | SYH 15
परमेश्वर की ईच्छा | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch8 | SYH 14
आचरण के मापदंड | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch7 | SYH 13
यज्ञमय जीवन | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch6 | SYH 12
यज्ञ और चैत्य सत्ता | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch5-6 | SYH 11
यज्ञ का आरोहण (1) | योग समन्वय Pt1 Ch5 | SYH 10
पोस्ट देखें
जनवरी 2024 के अंत से पोस्ट बंद कर दी गई हैं
Video in Hindi
This talk is based on the fourth chapter of Part One of The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo.
Video in Hindi
This is a summary of the Chapter 3 "Self-Surrender in Works—The Way of the Gita" of the Part 1 of the Synthesis of Yoga.
Video in Hindi
This is a summary of the Chapter 2 "Self-Consecration" of the Part 1 of the book. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.
Video in Hindi
This talk is based on the first chapter of the Yoga of Divine Works in The Synthesis of Yoga. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.
Video in Hindi
This talk is a summary of The Synthesis of Yoga, Introduction: 5. The Synthesis of the Systems
Video in Hindi
This talk is a summary of The Synthesis of Yoga, Introduction: 4. The Systems of Yoga.