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At the Feet of The Mother

Death and Rebirth

... those with whom we share deeper bonds are lost only for a while. They meet us across lives and something within feels the old links even though the senses and the outer mind has forgotten.
... while survival of a particular bodily form in one life is surely important from an individual’s point of view, its longevity is not the sole or the main matter from the divine vision which is much more concerned with our soul’s progress.
The present talk is based on a Near Death Experience (known as NDE) of Anita Moorjani. In this video she shares her experiences. While NDEs have been reported since long, this one is perhaps the best documented evidence that has been scientifically corroborated as well.
In this brief Hindi reflection we look into the significance behind the process of cremation.
True bhakti is in fact very rare and if one finds it then it is a special Grace. Such a person is always happy with the Lord since in life and in death he is always with Him, which is what the bhakta truly seeks.
This is in response to a comment by a fellow devotee that due to our short life span when we realize our goals and learn a few things about life, the time is up to leave the body and start afresh.
This talk by Dr Alok Pandey is an overview of grief and some psycho-spiritual ways to deal with it. Conducted as a part of a webinar organized by NAMAH, the Journal of Integral Health.
A reflection by Dr Alok Pandey (Video in English)
This talk is woven around Sri Aurobindo's poem Rebirth, written between 1900 and 1906.