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At the Feet of The Mother
Creation seemed, from this state a vast ocean rolling aimlessly below an indifferent sky. An irreconcilable opposition is thus experienced between world and God, creation and the Creator.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (VIDEO IN ENGLISH)
Human beings start their journey with some kind of a working conception of themselves and the world. Those with a little more awakened thoughts also form some conception of the Divine.
Selections from the Mother's Conversations
.... the Divine is everything. You can’t take a piece of the Divine and say, “This is the Divine.” And yet, in his spiritual consciousness each one has a perfect relation with the Divine
This state which yogis may take for a final liberation is but a passage towards a yet greater Beyond. The sense and purpose of creation are missed out. The Force that built the worlds and the ecstasy of creation is not found there.
An interview with Anurakta by Anie Nunnally
Anurakta, whose name was given by the Mother, and means Lovingly Devoted — One Enamoured, is a sensitive man with a round face and fair skin. His eyes are deep blue and though he speaks with a slight stammer he has great inner strength and possesses a highly developed capacity for mental concentration.
The sole purpose of the law of karma is to perfect ourselves and through us the world around us. The more we are attuned to the higher and highest state the more we engage and collaborate in fulfilling this purpose.  On the other hand, the more we deviate from this truth, the more we add up to the chaos and confusion.
माता इस विश्वब्रह्माण्ड का जो परिचालन और जगन्नाट्य-संबंधी जो कार्य करती हैं उसमें उनके चार महारूप विशेष रूप से सामने प्रकट हैं, ये उनकी प्रमुख शक्तियों और विग्रहों में से चार हैं। प्रथमा हैं उनकी विग्रहभूता प्रशांत विशालता, सर्वव्यापिनी ज्ञानवत्ता, अचंचल मङ्गलमयता, अशेष निःशेष करुणा, अतुल अद्वितीय महिमा और विश्वराट् गौरव-गरिमा।
Will is the switch that turns on the other members giving them force and momentum. It is the power that runs through the warp and woof of life. Of course to be truly effective, we must learn to distinguish it from wishful thinking, wants and desires. These are ‘willings’ that come to us from the atmosphere and not the true will, not the will of our being.
The world appears as a cinematic shadow without any substance. But how it came into being and what is its purpose remains concealed. This is what most yogis prize as nirvana. Yet it is more a reflection in the mind of a still higher state.
You are fifty persons doing the Integral Yoga. If it is only one of the fifty who is doing it, then he does it for all the fifty. But if each one of the fifty is doing it, each doing it for all the fifty, he does it actually for one person alone, because all do it for all.