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At the Feet of The Mother

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

... a time comes when the inner state is full of Her and it is Her Presence that begins to flow in all one does.
माता इस विश्वब्रह्माण्ड का जो परिचालन और जगन्नाट्य-संबंधी जो कार्य करती हैं उसमें उनके चार महारूप विशेष रूप से सामने प्रकट हैं, ये उनकी प्रमुख शक्तियों और विग्रहों में से चार हैं। प्रथमा हैं उनकी विग्रहभूता प्रशांत विशालता, सर्वव्यापिनी ज्ञानवत्ता, अचंचल मङ्गलमयता, अशेष निःशेष करुणा, अतुल अद्वितीय महिमा और विश्वराट् गौरव-गरिमा।
Video in English
The four Powers of the Mother are four of her outstanding Personalities, portions and embodiments of her divinity through whom she acts on her creatures, orders and harmonises her creations in the worlds and directs the working out of her thousand forces.
The special atmosphere created by the Relics must be tended, preserved by the devotees... It is a vibrant focus of a special spiritual Force that has been brought down from the world of Light on Earth to guide and lead its Journey to the Sun of Truth.
A talk by Dr AlokPandey in English (VIDEO)
Today's talk touches upon certain key aspects of Evolution and the importance of 17th November. We also touch briefly upon Adhikarbhed (readiness for Yoga) in the light of the message received on 17th November 2020.