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At the Feet of The Mother

“Sri Aurobindo’s Relics and the Earth’s Future” by Madhusudan Reddy

Sri Aurobindo is there in all the shrines where his Relics are installed – his Supreme Personality and Impersonality, his Power and Light and Ananda and everything else. His luminous, powerful Presence is there and nothing more can be or need be said about it. It is his Presence that new creates everything, always; new-creates us all and supports the human race in its onward march to its golden destiny…

The Relics help us to live always in the consciousness of the psychic and make the desired progress natural and easy. They bring down the five-fold splendour of the Divine for the earth’s transformation – His Presence, Peace, Force, Light and Ananda. Their Power will continue to work until the supramental becomes an established truth of our terrestrial existence…

The Relics symbolise the supramental-in-action. Being infinite in nature and timeless in their action, their Power manifests of itself and out of itself a new creation, a new earth and a new race. They embody a very special Grace sent to us, a Grace come to us. We only need to accept it with love and gratitude, and allow it to touch our consciousness and our hearts and transform us into their own gnostic nature.

[Footnotes to the Future, p. 137-138]

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If the whole being could simultaneously advance in its progressive transformation, keeping pace with the inner march of the universe, there would be no illness, there would be no death.
What the Supramental will do the mind cannot foresee or lay down. The mind is Ignorance seeking for the Truth, the supramental by its very definition is Truth-Consciousness.