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At the Feet of The Mother

Remembering Her

Remembering and offering all to the Mother means

– Shifting the motive of action from selfish personal gains and satisfaction of desires, ego and ambitions to work becoming a means to serve the Mother and fulfil Her Will. Initially, this Will is not known so one simply dedicates the action inwardly to Her with an aspiration for light and beauty and perfection in the action which is a means to serve Her now. It also means non-attachment to the results even though one has put in one’s best efforts

– A few moments of inner concentration before starting anything from morning waking up onwards to dedicate the activity to Her praying for Her to use you as Her instrument. Similar thing after the action with gratitude.

– Forming the habit (this comes with practice and perseverance) of calling Her inwardly by simply repeating Her Name in your heart while doing the work outside. It will initially lead to frequent forgetting. Later a division is created between an inner consciousness that remembers Her and an outer that is engaged in work.

As a result of persistence, a time comes when the inner state is full of Her and it is Her Presence that begins to flow in all one does.

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