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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga


... this asking and getting should not become the basis of our faith nor should the material things we ask for becoming a way of life or worse still, its goal.
Let the Grace and Love and Peace flow. The key here is to forget oneself and become as impersonal as possible. It is also very important to be in a state of constant humility. This humility is our safeguard, the rest doesn't matter.
... a time comes when the inner state is full of Her and it is Her Presence that begins to flow in all one does.
... even if all seems hopeless, we still have to trust the Divine Guide within, and putting ourself and the difficulty in His Hands ask Him to give us the needed wisdom and strength.
An Essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
Call Her as one would call one’s most intimate. Call Her simply as Maa, Maa, Maa and see how close She is and ever was and will be.