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At the Feet of The Mother

Spending Our Birthdays

The best way to be on one’s birthday is to be inwardly quiet and happy, full of gratitude towards the Divine.

To want to be this or that, even to want to have an experience itself becomes a veil between us and the Divine. Experiences come when we are ready and the Divine finds us ready to grant them.

Our main focus should be on how to grow in aspiration, sincerity, faith and surrender. The Presence grows automatically as these things grow in our nature.

What is required on one birthday and always is to be simple as a new born child who has complete trust in the Divine Mother. This trust gives serenity and peace. And to be full of hope for the future and enthusiasm for the great journey opening before us.

Our birthday is time to think of a beautiful year ahead, a year of progress and another step towards the Divine Perfection we are intended and destined to manifest one day.

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