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At the Feet of The Mother
"In that small flaming chariot Shiva rides. The One devised innumerably to be; His oneness in invisible forms he hides, Time’s tiny temples to eternity."
A Talk in Hindi (video)
Questions and Answers Session 1 at the Beach Office of Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry, 2016. In this talk the speaker gives us some valuable insights about work, fears and other life problems. For example, patience and stepping back helps man to start the work in a better way. Fear can be removed by constantly invoking and being with Divine in whatever form closer to the seeker.
"The Mighty Mother shall take birth in Time And God be born into the human clay In forms made ready by your human lives." Savitri: 705
"[where is] The new race? Wait for something like... a few thousand years, and you will see it! ..... man has thought of it and awaits it, so it will go faster. But faster means still thousands of years probably. We shall speak about it again after a few thousand years!" The Mother, May 02, 1956
"...Keep your love pure of all selfish claim and desire; you will find that you are getting all the love that you can bear and absorb in answer."
"Look up, O child of the ancient Yoga, and be no longer a trembler and a doubter; fear not, doubt not, grieve not; for in your apparent body is One who can create & destroy worlds with a breath."
"Savitri for Sri Aurobindo was not a book to be started and finished but an unending tapasya. Savitri has accompanied his spiritual journey and as he went further and further, higher and higher into the realms of the Unknown, he modified Savitri to further embody the states of consciousness that he experienced in course of his tapasya. Thus Savitri becomes an embodiment of Sri Aurobindo’s Consciousness, his Will bequeathed to earth and men. "
"Now I have borne Thy presence and Thy light, Eternity assumes me and I am A vastness of tranquillity and flame, My heart a deep Atlantic of delight....."
Questions such as did They complete Their Work etc are absurd in the first place. To begin with, we as a human race did not even know that there is such a Work undertaken by the Divine; that creation has a grand purpose and is on the road to its fulfilment. We became aware only because They shared it with us and they shared it so that we can consciously collaborate and have the joy of participating.
Book One, as the name itself suggests is the Book of Beginnings. It sets the note and the backdrop of the epic. The Beginning referred to here is the beginning of King Aswapati’s Yoga, his central aspiration to save Earth and humanity from its strange predicament of a never-ending cycle of rise and fall.
"... we are turned towards that light, and we read Savitri with veneration and devotion, and it gives us a great deal. So we have some work to do, a whole programme to work out, and we all share in the promise of which this Book of Promise is full. And we know what to do for the rest of our lives. Happy travels!"