The Superman consciousness is already there active since 01st January 1969. Since then it is seeking beings who are ready to embody it. Surely it must have found already a number of beings who are ready to receive and express it.
The signs of the Superman have been described by the Mother as a being who is vast and benevolent, who acts as a mentor to find the way to the supramental world that is in the making since 1956. The Superman will be free from all selfishness and his motive in action will be to assist the spiritual evolution in oneself and others. His actions will not be based on conventional social, moral or religious standards but by the Light of a growing inner intuition. We may add to this two more aspects. First his mind will be a Mind of Light moving from Light to greater light, a mind fundamentally freed from ignorance. Second, he will have what the Mother has called a World-personality. It means that he will take happily into himself the joys and griefs of others and transmute it into divine values. Thus though king of earth he will be the servant of all, ever happy to serve the Truth and obey its impulsion in the world march. His personality will be a harmonious combination of wisdom, strength and love lifted to the stature of the gods. That is why he will dare to do what the human mind barely does think or tries.
Who else but the Superman will readily recognize Her in this form and love Her as none else can. The saga of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo has just begun. It will last as long as Earth lasts and even beyond that.
About Savitri | B1C2-10 Condition of the World (p.18)