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At the Feet of The Mother


A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (video in Hindi)
Satyavan and Savitri meet in a moment of the soul. They are wedded before the Sun of Truth in the forest itself. Their soul, the Truth embedded within it, the Divine within, is their witness. Nature has set the stage for this heavenly betrothal.
Video in English with Hindi captions
A short video-contemplation on the Mother's vision and action behind the creation of the Matrimandir, the 50th anniversary of the foundation of which we celebrate today (21.02.1971 - 21.02.2021).
This talk takes up three important elements of yoga, the sadhana or the practice, the sangha or collective life, and the satsang. Q&A part includes (1) How to quieten the mind, and (2) How to understand the New Year message of 2021