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At the Feet of The Mother

Satyavan and Savitri (SVH 39) Book 5 Canto 3

Savitri Book Five, The Book of Love, Canto 3, Satyavan and Savitri.

Here they meet and recognise each other looking through their soul. Though they seem to have met for the first time now, yet they have together enacted the great drama of life in different forms and names, wearing different guises. This soul recognition holds within itself the key to the future. So do Satyavan and Savitri meet in a moment of the soul. They are wedded before the Sun of Truth in the forest itself. Their soul, the Truth embedded within it, the Divine within, is their witness. No other ceremony is needed. Nature has set the stage for this heavenly betrothal. Savitri now hastens back home after the choice has been made to share this joy of meeting with her father.

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