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Fate Is Not Blind, pp. 456-457

Opening Remarks
At the close Aswapati remarks if the soul is ruled by outer circumstances or it has the power to change things? Are the workings of fate blind or is there a wisdom working behind it.

Aswapati answered
Then Aswapati answered to the seer:
“Is then the spirit ruled by an outward world?

Then Aswapati asked to the seer if the spirit is ruled by an outward world?

Is there no remedy
O seer, is there no remedy within?

Aswapati asks if there is no remedy within?

Spirit’s will
But what is Fate if not the spirit’s will
After long time fulfilled by cosmic Force?

He asked if fate is not the spirit’s will that is fulfilled by cosmic Force through long time?

Mighty compeer of Fate
I deemed a mighty Power had come with her;
Is not that Power the high compeer of Fate?”

Aswapati says that he felt a mighty Power had come with her which is the high compeer of Fate.

Narad replies
But Narad answered covering truth with truth:
“O Aswapati, random seem the ways
Along whose banks your footsteps stray or run
In casual hours or moments of the gods,
Yet your least stumblings are foreseen above.

Narad answered to Aswapati through layers of truth while answering him. He reveals that though the way seems random along which our footsteps seem to stray or run in casual hours or moments of the gods yet our least stumblings are already foreseen.

The curves of life
Infallibly the curves of life are drawn
Following the stream of Time through the unknown;
They are led by a clue the calm immortals keep.

The curves of life are drawn infallibly and there are no errors in it. The steps of destiny run through streams of Time through the unknown and yet they are foreseen by a Wisdom that is known to the calm immortals.

A meaning more sublime
This blazoned hieroglyph of prophet morns
A meaning more sublime in symbols writes
Than sealed Thought wakes to, but of this high script
How shall my voice convince the mind of earth?

The writings of fate scripting the morns that are yet to arrive carry a meaning more sublime than our crude surface understanding. It is a symbol script that our limited thought is aware. He however rues as to how to convince the mind of earth about these profound mysteries of Fate.

Heaven’s wiser love
Heaven’s wiser love rejects the mortal’s prayer;
Unblinded by the breath of his desire,
Unclouded by the mists of fear and hope,
It bends above the strife of love with death;
It keeps for her her privilege of pain.

Heaven’s love burdened with wisdom sometimes rejects the ignorant human prayer. This wisdom is unblinded by desire and unclouded by mists of fear and hope. It leans over the strife of love with death. It keeps for the mortal creatures the privilege of pain since it is through this labour and struggle that all evolution and growth takes place.

The greatness in Savitri’s soul
A greatness in thy daughter’s soul resides
That can transform herself and all around
But must cross on stones of suffering to its goal.

Savitri’s soul carries a greatness within that can transform herself and all around. But to fulfil this work she must cross on stones of suffering towards its goal.

Nectar cup of heaven
Although designed like a nectar cup of heaven,
Of heavenly ether made she sought this air,
She too must share the human need of grief
And all her cause of joy transmute to pain.

She is a nectar cup of heaven made of heavenly ether. Yet she has sought this mortal world and its atmosphere and must share the human need of grief and the law of pain that transmutes the very cause of joy into suffering.

Closing Remarks
Narad starts revealing layer by layer the workings of fate.

Almost all of man’s works of art — literary, poetic, artistic — are based on the violence of contrasts in life. When one tries to pull them out of their daily dramas, they really feel that it is not artistic.