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At the Feet of The Mother

Essays on Yoga

Essays and Letters by Dr Alok Pandey on Yoga

Fits or seizures are an example of vital forces, generally of a lower order, trying to take possession of a human being. When the nervous system resists, the individual throws up a fit and the brain temporarily shuts down
Letters on Yoga by Dr Alok Pandey
Grace is the Divine Power that has leaped down from the heart of the Supreme to help creation move towards its goal. In a general way this mysterious Grace supports creation from behind giving it the needed push for progress.
Letters on Yoga by Dr Alok Pandey
The psychic being is that part in us that is turned towards the Divine. Aware of its immortality, it knows itself as a portion of the Divine Consciousness and hence naturally turns towards the Divine Light, Truth, vastness, Peace, bliss, Love of the Divine. It is in a natural affinity with these higher states.
Letters on Yoga by Dr Alok Pandey
The real preoccupation should be with the positive side of the sadhana such as Peace and Light and Faith and Devotion and Wideness and the means of developing these and growing towards the Divine. The lower is left behind as we grow into the higher.
An essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
Without fear of any kind from this or any other worlds, yogin or sadhaka goes about doing the work given by the Mother fully assured of Her Protection and Her unfailing Grace. All other things will come and go but this abides forever...
An essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
After all we can notice only what we are ready to experience. If we want to see the Supramental action we need to exchange our old set of eyes with a new one, renounce our mind-centric, desire-burdened life for a divine center of vision and action, discard the ego-self
We can let grow within us a hymn of gratitude for all that the Mother and Sri Aurobindo have done and continue to do for earth and mankind and all of us. Or we can dive deep within our soul to find their permanent dwelling place.
"... there never was any antagonism in India between the religious life and the spiritual one, between rituals and the real. One was seen as a step towards the other."
An Essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
Some would say that a new year is after all a convention. In a certain sense everything is a convention, a habit or a pattern woven into our thoughts and beliefs. The universe is born anew each moment and there is nothing in us that repeats the hour that is left behind.
An article by Dr Alok Pandey
Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are fulfilled in Sri Aurobindo, as with this New Force is the power to transform the animal in us into a vehicle of the Divine Force and convert the Asura in us through the one and only all-powerful agency of the Divine Mother’s Love.
An essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
It is the earth that must be saved, it is humanity that must outgrow itself into something beautiful and divine. So shall it be is the great promise. Keeping that promise and assurance ringing in our heart we must fearlessly cross the perilous bridge and leap towards the future, the time taken notwithstanding.
An essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
The bodily cage gone, it is Her eternal Presence, not just the inner Presence, not even the Supramental Presence on that high plane beyond Time and Timelessness, but Her eternal Presence established in Her New Body that is now here in our midst.
the need of the hour is the way of the Gita, the path shown to us by Sri Aurobindo, - the path that leads us to the reintegration of the Spiritual and material aspects of life, the path that unites God and world, Soul and nature in a harmonious embrace.
The more we compare Sri Aurobindo to various other similar or dissimilar thoughts, the more we get confused. We perhaps enter into a cocoon constructed by our ignorant receiving of the profound truths, that have descended from the plane of Truth into the realms of our mortal ignorance and its small, cramped up understanding of life.