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At the Feet of The Mother

2.14 A Love no Words Can Ever Express

2. From “Words of Long Ago” by the Mother

2.14 A Love no Words Can Ever Express

O my sweet Lord, my beloved God, all my being cries out to Thee in an irresistible surge: “I love Thee! I love Thee! I love Thee!”… with a love no words can ever express. The whole being is aflame, fused in this intensity. Only my heart, so often disappointed, so cruelly deceived, murmurs timidly: “Wilt Thou not do as men have done? Wilt Thou not repulse this love as unworthy of Thee, or too heavy to bear?” O doubting heart! Dost thou not see that it is the adored One Himself who loves in thee and feeds this fire that will never die? No more timidity, no more vain reserve… the past fades away like a dream. All that remains is a marvellous Present made of sublime Eternity…. O my beloved God, Thou hast taken me into Thy arms that are so strong and so gentle, and nothing exists but Thy divine Ecstasy.

Prayers and Meditations [CWM 2: 123]

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