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At the Feet of The Mother


Video in English
In this webinar with IPI we again take up the topic "relationships" (the previous conversation is available as "TE 356 Relationships: an Evolutionary Perspective").
Text in English
To transform someone needs one to have the transforming power which implies that the person engaged in this effort already has arrived at a reasonable transformation within
A true remedy is the growth of faith. Faith naturally grows as we go nearer to our soul. But the simplest is to call the Mother's Name.
This talk touches upon various aspects of decision-making such as choices and their consequences; making a conscious choice; ego-driven and true individual-driven impulsions; immediate and long term results of our actions. Some practical advices on making a decision are also given.
A Talk in English (video)
This is an interactive session with a group of seekers from Brazil. Some of the questions taken up include India, Auroville, Ashram, Freedom, Present condition of the world, Suffering, Compassion.
An Essay by Dr Alok Pandey (TEXT)
Some would say that a new year is after all a convention. In a certain sense everything is a convention, a habit or a pattern woven into our thoughts and beliefs. The universe is born anew each moment and there is nothing in us that repeats the hour that is left behind.