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At the Feet of The Mother

The Middle Path and the Sattwic Way (TH 007)

The speaker starts with the story of Buddha and its inner meaning and significance. He draws the distinction between true renunciation, true vairagya which is impelled by a positive seeking, and a temporary state of disillusionment which is essentially a negative state without much force in it. Further in this talk Alok Pandey speaks about the need for balance and moderation on the path of yoga. Severe austerity is not the way of yoga here. He gives us various examples of tamas and rajas and sattwa, and explains the necessity of first bringing the tamoguna and rajoguna under the control of Sattwa. This prepares the nature for the next step. Being the master of nature, one can mobilize the whole being towards the divine.



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If the whole being could simultaneously advance in its progressive transformation, keeping pace with the inner march of the universe, there would be no illness, there would be no death.
What the Supramental will do the mind cannot foresee or lay down. The mind is Ignorance seeking for the Truth, the supramental by its very definition is Truth-Consciousness.