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At the Feet of The Mother


The offered talk on Supramental Body gives a rare glimpse at Amal-da's interpretation of this profound future development, which was predicted and described by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, but is very difficult to grasp. The talk was recorded in 1971.
"Rooted in mire heavenward man’s nature grows, — His soul the dim bud of God’s flaming rose."
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Narada, the demigod and a bhakta of the Lord, is ever engaged in the good of all creatures. His work, if he has any since he lives in freedom, is to sing the names of the Lord. As he draws near to Earth, he feels the touch of pain that inhabits mortal things.
An audio in English
The 10th day of the Durga Festival is celebrated as the Day of Victory. As Sri Aurobindo points out in one of His remarkable passages, people adhere to a belief system and make it an excuse to do things that are even diametrically opposed to the original intent that gave birth to a movement. Yet the seed of truth is there...
A might no human will nor force can gain, A knowledge seated in eternity, A bliss beyond our struggle and our pain Are the high pinnacles of our destiny ...