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At the Feet of The Mother


A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Man is a depot of contraries. Himself in bonds he dreams of freedom; himself imperfect he aspires for a perfect world. This is so because man has a double nature. On the one side he has something in him that has descended from the heights, the immortal soul.
Taking the truth of Vedanta as its base, Sri Aurobindo reveals us the Truth of future and the way of its manifestation. The whole creation is created by Ananda, dwelling in Ananda and proceeding towards Ananda. We have to realize the delight of the Divine in the essence as well as in the manifestation.
Sri Aurobindo tells us that, though essentially everything is Divine in its origin and manifestation, the divine manifests gradually in a progressive way in the manifestation. Therefore we can understand Evil by knowing that it is either good in the passing or good in the making.
The yoga should not be done with a heart full of despondency, rather it should be done with a happy inner attitude. The sign of progress and effort in the right direction is a growth of joy and peace within, accompanied with vastness and wisdom, not visions and voices. It is a growth towards Oneness and not a state of division of life.
Personal effort and surrender are often seen as contradictory processes of sadhana, but they are complementary processes and go together. Various levels of balance and the need for exercising choices. Personal effort in itself is not the end but the way for joy, harmony and growth of surrender. A true surrender and the path of offering. How becoming wide and supple paves the way for growth into the immensity of the Divine Consciousness.
The story of Buddha and its inner meaning and significance. Distinction between true renunciation, vairagya impelled by a positive seeking, and a temporary state of disillusionment which is essentially a negative state without much force in it. The need for balance and moderation on the path of yoga. Tamas, rajas and sattwa, and necessity of first bringing the tamoguna and rajoguna under the control of Sattwa to achieve the mastery of nature.