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At the Feet of The Mother


Now we labour in the Night of ignorance, but this labour too is not vain, it prepares us to receive the Sun. This passage is prophetic of the Supramental Light that shall break upon earth bringing the rhythms and powers of a New Consciousness.
Essays and Talks of Nirodbaran
One never came from a meeting with him without carrying away some sweetness, light and purity. Purity, sweetness and light were indeed his inborn psychic qualities. The name “Pavitra” given to him by Sri Aurobindo could not have been more appropriate. One could feel a white light wrapping him like a fine vesture wherever he went.
The epics reveal to us the road that man must take in his evolutionary journey. It is conjured in that one word, dharma which has fascinated the Indian mind since the Aryan forefathers moved through the mountains and plains and rivers flowing through the subcontinent we know today as India.
... each species must follow its own law of evolution. While evolution in animals is largely an unconscious process driven by instincts, the law of man is to choose and grow conscious.
A Talk in English (audio)
This short talk picks up a beautiful leaf from Savitri (p. 393) when Savitri following her quest for the perfect partner who would share her work and mission meets Satyavan.
... whatever be the place we occupy or the work given to us, let us do it with the spirit of service and dedication to the Divine, with the trust that all will be well and with a prayer for the good of all mankind. That things will change for the better is inevitable. It is embedded in the logic of creation.