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At the Feet of The Mother


A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (video in English)
This webinar is centred around the process of transition from our present humanity to the superhumanity of tomorrow as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, with emphasis on the role of the younger generation.
She shows us the way by Her own example. Let us follow in Her footsteps this coming year and leaving aside all our fanciful wishes go straight towards the ultimate Source, the secret key to change that lies within us. Let us start the first moment of 2021 with this resolve.
This is the celebrated witness state of the yogi, the base of the thinker, the seat of one withdrawn from the world and the images it builds with the help of some cosmic Mind. This is the release that comes by knowing the Self as revealed through the still mind free from the turbulence of desires.
An interview with Richard Pearson by Anie Nunnally
Richard had asked Mother if he should take his higher courses in England. She wrote back: ... “No doubt from the exterior point of view, you will find in England all that you want for learning what human beings generally call knowledge, but from the point of view of Truth and Consciousness, you can find nowhere the atmosphere in which you are living here. ..."
In the Integral Yoga, we turn to the Divine Mother who is One and yet Infinite and hence can be approached by each individual in his or her unique way. The lack of a rigid structure allows for individual variations in our approach to the One Infinite Reality.