It is a prayer of hope and gratitude to usher in the New Year.
January 1, 1914
To Thee, Supreme Dispenser of all boons, to Thee who justifiest life by making it pure, beautify and good, to Thee, Master of our destinies and goal of our aspirations, was consecrated the first minute of this new year.
May it be wholly glorified by this consecration; may those who hope to attain Thee seek Thee in the right way; may those who seek Thee find Thee, and may those who suffer without knowing where lies the remedy feel Thy life piercing little by little the hard crust of their obscure consciousness.
I bow down with a deep devotion and limitless gratitude before Thy beneficent splendour; in the name of the earth, I thank Thee for manifesting Thyself; in her name, I implore Thee that Thou mayst manifest ever more, in an uninterrupted increase of Light and Love.
Be the Sovereign Master of our thoughts, our feelings and our acts.
Thou art the reality of our being, the sole Reality.
Outside Thee all is falsehood and illusion, all is mournful obscurity.
In Thee is life, light and joy.
In Thee is the sovereign Peace.
The text above is quoted from the Third Edition, 1954 (translation by Rishabhchand Samsukha)
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