A video fragment with historic footage of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, including the Mother's Darshan, a Meditation by Sri Aurobindo's Samadhi, and interviews by Pavitra da and Srimayi (Varvara Pitoeff).
There are a number of transitional moments in Sri Aurobindo’s life, each having an impact upon the life around him and even on the life of India and the earth.
What is the best way of doing yoga? Mother replied: ... the best is if you can keep me in your heart, if you love me, then you will have to do nothing. I shall do all for you.
The Divine Advent invariably brings upon Earth the Divine Compassion that reaches out to as many souls as possible to rescue them from the net of Ignorance.
The way to enter the inner atmosphere of the Ashram is through faith, sincerity of aspiration, true will to surrender and for these the outer Ashram becomes a royal doorway to enter and facilitate Sri Aurobindo's yoga.