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At the Feet of The Mother


The Mother Reads Selections from Savitri by Sri Aurobindo


Book 5. The Book of Love.

Canto 1. The Destined Meeting-Place.

But now the destined spot and hour were close;
Unknowing she had neared her nameless goal.
. . .
Pale waters ran like glimmering threads of pearl.
A sigh was straying among happy leaves;
Cool-perfumed with slow pleasure-burdened feet
Faint stumbling breezes faltered among flowers,
The white crane stood, a vivid motionless streak,
Peacock and parrot jewelled soil and tree,
The dove’s soft moan enriched the enamoured air
And fire-winged wild-drakes swam in silvery pools.
[pp. 389-390]
* * *
A matted forest-head invaded heaven
As if a blue-throated ascetic peered
From the stone fastness of his mountain cell
Regarding the brief gladness of the days;
His vast extended spirit couched behind.
[pp. 390-391]

End of Book 5 Canto 1

three dots stand for omitted lines, three asterisks indicate also a separate page in the video presentation

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