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At the Feet of The Mother


The Mother Reads Selections from Savitri by Sri Aurobindo


Book 2. The Book Of The Traveller Of The Worlds

Canto 9. The Paradise of the Life-Gods

A summit and core of all that marvellous world,
Apart stood high Elysian nameless hills,
Burning like sunsets in a trance of eve.
. . .
Their slopes through a hurry of laughter and voices sank,
Crossed by a throng of singing rivulets,
Adoring blue heaven with their happy hymn,
Down into woods of shadowy secrecy:
[p. 234]
* * *
A scale of sense that climbed with fiery feet
To heights of unimagined happiness,
Recast his being’s aura in joy-glow,
His body glimmered like a skyey shell;
[p. 236]
* * *
A giant drop of the Bliss unknowable
Overwhelmed his limbs and round his soul became
A fiery ocean of felicity:
. . .
The rapture that the gods sustain he bore.
[p. 237]

End of Book 2 Canto 9 

three dots stand for omitted lines, three asterisks indicate also a separate page in the video presentation

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