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At the Feet of The Mother

Alok Pandey

"Nothing can replace that touch-divine and the thrill of contact in the very physical. However, the yoga in itself does not depend upon that. Krishna’s departure from Vrindavan released the streams of devotion in the human consciousness. Perhaps Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s physical withdrawal may well light up the fire of aspiration in the very dust that constitutes our physical body."
Of all the powers that Savitri embodies the most potent is Love. What follows is a vivid description of Her inner being which could harbor this all-powerful transmuting flame. It inspires and uplifts, sets a supreme and sublime example before humanity, opens our inner doors to the Divine Mother’s wonderful Heart of Love, filling us with Her Peace and Light and Sweetness and Bliss.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
"... nothing is truly vain the One has made: In our defeated hearts God’s strength survives And victory’s star still lights our desperate road; Our death is made a passage to new worlds."
This is the first brief hint provided by the Master-poet Sri Aurobindo about Savitri’s tapasya that armed and prepared her for taking on the challenge of Destiny and facing the spirit of Death with a will to conquer.
"I spent a good part of the night (almost the whole night till 3 in the morning) with Sri Aurobindo, and he not only showed me and explained to me, but he himself was what he was showing me: he was preparing himself for the new creation. And last night he told me, he showed me how this or that thing would be, how the body would be. " The Mother.
After giving us a brief account of the karmic law that holds in its grip all humanity by the noose of Ignorance, Sri Aurobindo reveals to us the secret that would liberate us from its clutches. But man cannot do it by himself. Savitri has come to open the doors to a New Power, a Power that has not yet manifested in creation.