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At the Feet of The Mother

Alok Pandey

"...we see a glimpse of the inner life of Savitri, an incarnation of the Divine Mother. Though She is human in appearance, Her deeds well from a superhuman source and leave footprints of the incarnate Divine along whose tracks the future will walk."
Sri Aurobindo with the rare genius of a Master takes up the ancient story of Savitri from the Vedic period and raises it to a totally new dimension. Savitri becomes a bridge between the past and the future that embodies at once not only secrets of the past dawns of mankind but also gives birth to the yet unknown truths of the future.
An audio in English
We take a look at some of the past lives of the Mother. These reminiscences also reveal certain deep truths about the memory of past lives and the work of the Divine upon Earth.
Even as the pristine pure Ganges flowing from its mountain tops is polluted as it enters the inhabited plains, so too the forces of higher Nature supported by divine Powers, daivi prakriti, are twisted as they enter into the narrow and limited scope of human nature. The distorting elements are the Ego and Desires.
What is described in the passages that follow is the predicament of human life caught in some dubious game of cosmic powers that keep us tied to the outposts of Ignorance. Sri Aurobindo compares this ordinary human life to the life of those who, as Savitri, have risen to a greater Supernature and become conscious of their Divine Origin.
"The very fact that Savitri embodies the very highest rhythms of Truth, termed in Indian thought as the mantra, and is the manifestation of the Seer-Vision and Spiritual-occult vision and experiences of Sri Aurobindo, who had entered the deepest and highest realms of yogic realisations, makes Savitri a Veda in its own right. For what we mean by the Vedas is not just a set of four holy books, but a document of occult vision and spiritual experiences of seers who sought for the Truth behind appearances and had found it."
Video in English
Alok Pandey in conversation with Narad speaks about a mystery of the Divine Mother's accepting birth in a human body and then leaving it, and practical consequences of this for spiritual practice of Her devotees and followers. (CN13)
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Now Sage Narad reveals what Fate has in store for Savitri. Satyavan is indeed a marvel meeting of the Earth and Heaven. In his being Soul and Nature are in a fine and beautiful balance. Though all is beautiful about Satyavan, there is but one challenge ahead...