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At the Feet of The Mother

Alok Pandey

Sri Aurobindo’s coming to Pondicherry marks the start of a new project, the progressive divinization of the race, of Matter, so that this earthly life may become the Life Divine. Today we share some thoughts on Sri Aurobindo’s coming to Pondicherry and the preparation needed for the New World to precipitate into this material World.
As man grows beyond his first primal needs, there also grows in him, especially with the development of the mind, the urge to understand the world around him. But the understanding of the world alone does not satisfy his longings for knowledge. There comes a point when he must turn back upon himself, the observer of the scene and try to see who he himself is?
"In a summary way, we are being shown the core process and the final result of the Supramental Transformation, - the discovery of the psychic being and becoming a conscious instrument of the Divine, a progressive opening and surrender to the Divine Mother and a growing oneness with Her."
"Where then does the Gita stand amidst all this stupendous mass of revelatory scriptures whose sheer size and of course the substance is mind-boggling? One may even ask what extra truth if any does this rather short treatise of just about 700 shlokas bring?"
The psychic being leads man from birth to birth, through the doors of death, in numberless names and forms until man the individual grows into an image true of God. Aswapati himself has traced this journey through many lives until he has become the center of the Divine Descent.