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At the Feet of The Mother

Alok Pandey

"Quite unlike the great Masters and Prophets who come to show the way that man must follow, the Avatar becomes the Way. His mere Presence is enough and all that is needed on part of man is to have faith and open himself to the Grace and Mercy that the Avatar embodies."
As the consciousness ascends beyond the limiting hedge of sense mind, we begin to receive intuitive flashes from Above. Slowly there is a progressive intuitivisation of our being. We see here a detailed description of the workings of Intuition, its birth and path in the human consciousness, its action and role in the transformation of the mind.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Savitri outwardly remains calm and sweet and forbearing in her dealings with her little world around, but inwardly she suffers with the foreknowledge of death. She experiences now the entire range of human life and identifies with it.
Yoga has been defined in various ways and each definition corresponds to some state that one arrives at by means of yoga. One such wonderful state described by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is ‘Oneness’. It is even one of the fundamental states to be experienced, a basis on which all else can be built. The essence of this condition is to see the Divine in all things and everywhere.
Once the opening is created to the action of the Divine Shakti, there starts, in the fields of Nature, the downpour of Divine Peace and Light and Harmony and Beauty and Bliss. Thus, we discover the divine vibration or rhythmic Immortal Word that saves, and the seers become its recipients and upholders as well as instruments of its creative expression and manifestation.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
Savitri must experience the entire play of human life and human love. She must face the difficulty and the danger, the fleeting joys and the grief that afflicts human hopes, so that She may find the true remedy.