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At the Feet of The Mother

Yoga as Practical Psychology

An essay by Dr Alok Pandey in English
... in most cases the absorbing interest in fulfillment of vital desires as well as the time and energy needed just for maintaining the framework of the family life leaves little room and time for spiritual self-growth which demands a greater and greater one-pointedness.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (video)
This talk focuses on education of the vital and the ways and means to help change this recalcitrant part, sources of energy that we use and character of the changes. Followed by several questions and answers.
This Reflection by Dr Alok Pandey focuses on one of the principle movements of integral yoga - Surrender.
Video in Hindi
This reflection by Dr Alok Pandey is about Truth and how it unfolds in different ways and different things.
Video in Hindi
This brief Reflection of Dr Alok Pandey is about the work to be done with different elements of our nature.
Our spiritual ascension does not need a companion, but since life has an inward and an outward movement, a companion at this stage can help through complementarity whereby one of the partner is more inward oriented while the other takes charge of the outward aspects.
This talk is about a movement unique to the integral yoga in certain ways which is termed as Rejection.