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At the Feet of The Mother

Sri Aurobindo's Life and Work

An article by Dr Alok Pandey
Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are fulfilled in Sri Aurobindo, as with this New Force is the power to transform the animal in us into a vehicle of the Divine Force and convert the Asura in us through the one and only all-powerful agency of the Divine Mother’s Love.
A documentary on events of Dec 5, 1950 (VIDEO)
A documentary with rare footage from December 1950. The audio track includes powerful recitation of His poetry by the Mother, as well as a fragment from Her 1954 "Declaration on Politics"
Some four or five months before I left for Madras, Sri Aurobindo would sometimes say in a casual way, “Whatever happens, detach yourself from the happenings and learn to watch them as a Witness. Do not get involved in them.” ...This single mantra acted as an unfailing sustenance of my life during my stay at Madras for four or five years.
As I was reading, Sri Aurobindo came, stood in front of the table and kept listening to my reading. When I put down the copy of the Arya and lifted my head I saw Sri Aurobindo standing there. I told him that the reading was delightful but nothing could be grasped.
In 1919 Barin wrote to Sri Aurobindo asking him about his personal sadhana, the future of the country and the nature of the movement to be carried on for its freedom and resurgence. Sri Aurobindo’s reply was a long one covering practically all aspects of national life and indicating his own line of spiritual work for humanity.
A talk at Savitri Bhavan on 25th April 2009 by Prof. Arabinda Basu (1918 - 2012), who had first darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on 15th August, 1941. Several important letters on the Mother were written to him by Sri Aurobindo.