Fits or seizures are an example of vital forces, generally of a lower order, trying to take possession of a human being. When the nervous system resists, the individual throws up a fit and the brain temporarily shuts down
A selection from the Mother and Sri Aurobindo (TEXT IN PDF )
A 45 page selection from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on health and healing, especially relevant in the times of a new worldwide epidemic, is offered for download in PDF format.
Without fear of any kind from this or any other worlds, yogin or sadhaka goes about doing the work given by the Mother fully assured of Her Protection and Her unfailing Grace. All other things will come and go but this abides forever...
There was a terrible fear. For example, people were seen walking about in the streets with a mask on the nose, a mask to purify the air they were breathing, so that it might not be full of the microbes of the illness. It was a common fear....
Subjects include role of techniques such as counting the numbers, deep breathing, mindfulness methods, righteous wrath, Agni, practice of equanimity etc.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey from a series on psychological difficulties in yoga. A post with the Q&A Session is to follow soon. Recorded at Savitri Bhavan, Auroville, and sponsored by Santé - Auroville Institute for Integral Health.
There are special spheres of human experience where our Science cannot yet reach and its instruments fail to register anything substantial. One such realm is death, another is of coma. Today we shall take up the issue of coma.