Certain events in our recent times may well indicate to us the working of the New Consciousness and the coming of the New Age. Yet humanity has to cover a large ground before we can be ready for the Promise of the Future. (2014)
The Mother: "But this thing – healing hands – don’t you have it too? .… You apply your hand and concentrate on …. I think every human being has it in potentiality"
Yoga means union with the Divine. Yoga of the body, of the very cells to realize union with the Divine Perfection. We shall trace this most fascinating journey of the incarnate Divine upon earth.
As always, the Mother and Sri Aurobindo open for us a wonderful door of Light that reveals to us the mystery of Death as seen by the very highest spiritual consciousness.
All genuine yogic experience affirms that the Divine Consciousness or the Divine state of Being is beyond the dualities such as those of good and evil, virtue and vice, pleasure and pain. But then man in his early approaches towards the divinity he seeks must necessarily pass through this duality. As experience dawns one upon another he draws closer to this great Realisation that the Divine is everything.