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सावित्री वेद | SVH

Savitri Veda in Hindi Cover
सर्गानुसार भाष्य. 2021 में 62 वार्ताएं पूरी हुईं।
डाउनलोड के लिए ज़िप पुरालेख
आप 128 केबी या 64 केबी पुरालेख डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं
video in Hindi
This canto is about an intermediate stage through which evolution passes. It is a stage when higher emotions and imaginations come into play to pull the being out of the bog and mire of the lower vital nature.
video in Hindi
It is important to know this world and its workings so that we are vigilant in our journey towards the eternal Truth and Light and Peace and Beauty and Bliss. A Wisdom works hidden and asleep in the heart of the Night.
video in Hindi
Here Aswapati is moving through the Paradise of Life-Gods. It is a state of perpetual joy. To such a warrior soul this comes as a gift and a temporary rest and release.