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At the Feet of The Mother
Behind all eyes I meet Thy secret gaze And in each voice I hear Thy magic tune: Thy sweetness hunts my heart through Nature’s ways; Nowhere it beats now from Thy snare immune.
"Nothing is in the universe but Thy life, Thy light, Thy love[...] Thy divine love floods my being; Thy supreme light is shining in every cell; all exults because it knows Thee and because it is one with Thee."
"For more than 20 years, from 1971 onwards, Piero, following the initial vision of Chief Architect Roger Anger, has designed, organized, overseen, rectified and solved all sort of problems and guided the construction of Matrimandir until the Inner Chamber was finally completed in 1992"
"The heart is part of the vital — it has to be controlled in the same way as the rest, by rejection of the wrong movements, by acceptance of the true psychic surrender which prevents all demand and clamour, by calling in the higher light and knowledge."
The lines that follow give man supreme hope that whatever the appearances, the transformation is going to be. It is being prepared behind the veil and often the darkest hours are the one’s followed by the New Dawn that is bound to arrive.
"To live in the future may yield some dividends to a rare few, but dwelling in the past never. Yet we continually revive bygone movements and give force to those vibrations to form again and interfere with the present."
"The feelings and aspirations of the psychic being are all turned towards truth and right consciousness and the Divine; it is the only part that cannot be touched by the hostile forces and their suggestions."
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
"There waiting its hour the future lay unknown, There is the record of the vanished stars. There in the slumber of the cosmic Will He saw the secret key of Nature’s change."