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At the Feet of The Mother
Who can resist Thy divine power? Thou art the sole and supreme Reality. My being gathers itself in a mute adoration and everything disappears that is not Thou.
I have been experiencing calm and silence, but the Ananda and love which I was feeling have disappeared.

The basis of calm and silence should be there first — otherwise the Ananda and love may take a too vital character and prove unstable.

Into an ecstasy of vision caught Each natural object is of Thee a part, A rapture-symbol from Thy substance wrought, A poem shaped in Beauty’s living heart
You wrote a few days back that the signs of the psychic’s coming forward are psychological. What are these signs?

A central love, bhakti, surrender, giving everything, a sight within that sees always clearly what is spiritually right or wrong and automatically rejects the latter — a movement of entire consecration and dedication of all in one to the Mother.

ON the surface is the storm, the sea is in turmoil, waves clash and leap one on another and break with a mighty uproar. But all the time, under this water in fury, are vast smiling expanses, peaceful and motionless.
Essentially the Mind is a dividing consciousness that by its very nature cannot arrive at an Integral Truth. It is only by removing the dense veil of Ignorance and discovering the Divine Truth hidden in our hearts that we can rediscover the lost Unity.
"For more than 20 years, from 1971 onwards, Piero, following the initial vision of Chief Architect Roger Anger, has designed, organized, overseen, rectified and solved all sort of problems and guided the construction of Matrimandir until the Inner Chamber was finally completed in 1992"
A tribute by Barindra Kumar Ghose, which was published in ‘Khulnabasi’ on 21 February 1940. Barin da (1880-1959) was a noted revolutionary, journalist, author and Sri Aurobindo’s youngest brother. He was one of the earliest inmates of Sri Aurobindo Ashram and resided at Pondicherry till 1929.
What is required for the psychic to emerge?

Aspiration for devotion, and refusal of egoistic movement. When the psychic touches there is an intensification of love but the lower vital mixes up the love with all sorts of demands.