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At the Feet of The Mother
A smooth transition from the old to the new order of Yoga and from the undeclared position of a Guru to the position of a child of the Mother were no doubt remarkable achievements of this progressive sage, but no less remarkable were his humility, his austere way of living, his unfailing patience
One aspires for a thing for five minutes and afterwards for something else. Will this have the same effect as aspiring for one thing for a long time?

The order or time is of no importance. It is the force and sincerity of the aspiration itself that matters.

O DIVINE and adorable Mother, with Thy help what is there that is impossible? [..] Thou hast accepted us as fit intermediaries between the unthinkable realities and the relativities of the physical world, and Thy constant presence in our midst is a token of Thy active collaboration.
A Talk in Hindi (audio)
"Our souls remember when the act is done, That it was fated. Aslaug, now for us The world begins again, — our world, beloved, Since once more we — who since the stars were formed Playing the game of games by Odin’s will Have met and parted — parted, meet again For ever."
Increase my fires and aspiration, make the surrender in me possible at once and in every way; widen my openness and receptivity; remove the coverings that delay the workings of psyche deep within; take away, O Mother, from me what I have and what I have not.....
I find it difficult to keep myself free from feeling disgust for X whenever I see him. How am I to throw away such stupid reactions from my nature?

By having dislike and disgust for nobody — remembering that the Divine is in all.

In 1964, Dayanand was appointed by The Mother to search and secure lands for the realisation of Auroville. In this interview, he recalls those times and the spirit that was pervading the construction of the township, plus some comments and insights on other facets of the Auroville adventure.
Can a beginner get a distinct answer from the Purusha?

The Purusha does not talk. It is a movement of consciousness — a movement of consent or refusal.

This 'Hymn to the Mother of Radiances' was written by Amrita in January 1927. Later, Amrita's drafts were revised by Sri Aurobindo and arranged to make a three-part hymn. The revised version was also copied out in Sri Aurobindo's own hand.
The Divine Grace is always with us through all the difficulties, struggle and pain that we encounter in our long evolutionary journey. It is there even when appearances and dark and we do not see it. This is the truth we must always hold within through all the long and difficult journey and the dark passages of life.
"From the beginning of November 1926 the pressure of the Higher Power began to be unbearable. Then at last the great day, the day for which the Mother had been waiting for so many long years, arrived on 24 November..... There was a deep silence in the atmosphere after the disciples had gathered there. Many saw an oceanic flood of Light rushing down from above..."