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At the Feet of The Mother
Lord, thou hast given me the happiness infinite... What being, what circumstances can have the power to take it away from me?
How is one to remain quiet within even while carrying on all kinds of activities?

By having a separate consciousness calm and silent within, separate from the mental, vital or physical activity.

My soul’s wide self of living infinite Space Outlines its body luminous and unborn Behind the earth-robe; under the earth-mask grows clear The mould of an imperishable face.
"The body’s cells grow into something conscious, entirely conscious. [...] And this physical mind [...] has fallen silent, and in silence it has received inspiration from the Consciousness. And it has started praying again: the same prayers that were earlier in the mind."
I experience Love and Ananda, but they disappear after a while.

It is so with all spiritual experiences. The ordinary consciousness is not accustomed to hold them.

A fall in concentration is very upsetting.

Fall of the concentration happens to everybody [...]

Though creation appears to our senses as a number of separate objects hung in Space and connected through the play of Time, behind all its variations and multiplicity, there is the One. It is the One Reality that has become the Many. This is the great secret we are here to discover.
A day will come when the harmony shall be achieved and all the country shall be, by its very life, the bearer of Thy word and Thy manifestation. But meanwhile my pen is mute to chant Thy praise.
Aspiration is intense in the morning, then diminishes, and in the evening the consciousness becomes calm and quiet. Is this the rule in such matters?

It is quite usual to have such periods in the day. The consciousness needs time for rest and assimilation, it cannot be at the same pitch of intensity at all times.

O worshipper of the formless Infinite, Reject not form, what dwells in it is He. Each finite is that deep Infinity Enshrining His veiled soul of pure delight.
A prayer written by Kapali Sastry and recited by Vasanti Rao. "Victory to Him, our Lord Sri Aurobindo, of entire parts! Victory to the Sustainer of the worlds, the Mother Mira of white radiance! To Their Integral Yoga all victory - may it manifest fully on earth!"
"I shall leave my dreams in their argent air, For in a raiment of gold and blue There shall move on the earth embodied and fair The living truth of you."
The greatness of a person is the greatness of the Impersonal in him. He has little concern about himself. His thoughts, feelings and acts are in relation to a wider frame of reference. The wider the frame, the higher the status of the being; there is an ascending scale in the structure of human life and society.