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At the Feet of The Mother

Daily Offerings

Living Words

The Breast of White Force

This little being of Time, this shadow soul,
This living dwarf-figurehead of darkened spirit
Out of its traffic in petty dreams shall rise.

Its shape of person and its ego-face
Divested of this mortal travesty,
Like a clay troll kneaded into a god
New-made in the image of the eternal Guest,
It shall be caught to the breast of a white Force
And, flaming with the paradisal touch
In a rose-fire of sweet spiritual grace,
In the red passion of its infinite change,
Quiver, awake, and shudder with ecstasy.

As if reversing a deformation’s spell,
Released from the black magic of the Night,
Renouncing servitude to the dim Abyss,
It shall learn at last who lived within unseen,
And seized with marvel in the adoring heart
To the enthroned Child-Godhead kneel aware,
Trembling with beauty and delight and love.

But first the spirit’s ascent we must achieve
Out of the chasm from which our nature rose.

The soul must soar sovereign above the form
And climb to summits beyond mind’s half-sleep;
Our hearts we must inform with heavenly strength,
Surprise the animal with the occult god.

Then kindling the gold tongue of sacrifice,
Calling the powers of a bright hemisphere,
We shall shed the discredit of our mortal state,
Make the abysm a road for Heaven’s descent,
Acquaint our depths with the supernal Ray
And cleave the darkness with the mystic Fire.

[Savitri: Book Two Canto 5]

Living Words

Constant Perception of Thy Will

February 17, 1914

O Lord, how ardently my aspiration rises to Thee: give us the full consciousness of Thy law, the constant perception of Thy will, so that our decision may be Thy decision and our life solely consecrated to Thy service and as perfect an expression as possible of Thy inspiration.

O Lord, dispel all darkness, all blindness; may every one enjoy the calm certitude that Thy divine illumination brings!

[Prayers and Meditations of the Mother]

Living Words

Freedom and Fatality

Freedom and fatality, liberty and determinism are truths that obtain on different levels of consciousness. It is ignorance that makes the mind put the two on the same level and pit one against the other. Consciousness is not a single uniform reality, it is complex; it is not something like a flat plain, it is multidimensional. On the highest height is the Supreme and in the lowest depth is matter; and there is an infinite gradation of levels of consciousness between this lowest depth and the highest height.

In the plane of matter and on the level of the ordinary consciousness you are bound hand and foot. A slave to the mechanism of Nature, you are tied to the chain of Karma, and there, in that chain, whatever happens is rigorously the consequence of what has been done before. There is an illusion of independent movement, but in fact you repeat what all others do, you echo Nature’s world-movements, you revolve helplessly on the crushing wheel of her cosmic machine.

But it need not be so. You can shift your place if you will; instead of being below, crushed in the machinery or moved like a puppet, you can rise and look from above and by changing your consciousness you can even get hold of some handle to move apparently inevitable circumstances and change fixed conditions. Once you draw yourself up out of the whirlpool and stand high above, you see you are free. Free from all compulsions, not only you are no longer a passive instrument, but you become an active agent. You are not only not bound by the consequences of your action, but you can even change the consequences. Once you see the play of forces, once you raise yourself to a plane of consciousness where lie the origins of forces and identify yourself with these dynamic sources, you belong no longer to what is moved but to that which moves.

[The Mother: CWM 3]

From Alokda

Songs of the Soul: September 21, 2024

Om Mother Sri Aurobindo
Om Mother Sri Aurobindo
Om Mother Sri Aurobindo

Maa, Sri Aurobindo is the Soul of Matter lifting the terrestrial creation and our material life ever higher and higher towards the highest heights. He moulds all by His luminous and powerful gaze, changes the fixed course of things by His silent Will. Thou art His Force labouring since old to bring our material creation progressively nearer to the Divine Idea embedded in each atom of existence. We too being Thy children born of Thy Power carry something of Sri Aurobindo, the Lord and Thyself, the original Power, within us. But this truth is veiled by our mind and ignorance. All our knowledge based on the apparent facts of existence are an illusion that our mind creates and then our soul is trapped in these theories and systems as if these were settled facts and final things.

But the doors of Wisdom open by Thy Grace and we see that all these laws and ways of being is a habit and the pressure of Thy Force can change it all. Maa Thou art our refuge, our hope and our strength. Maa, at Thy Feet is our Peace, in Thy Service is our Joy, in Thy Love is our supreme consummation. Take us entirely in Thy arms of Mercy and Love. Keep us forever in Thy heart.

Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa Maa

From Alokda

The Gospel of Prahlad and the Gospel of Hiranyakashyap

We all know the story of Prahlad and his father Hiranyakashyap. The father, born of an asuric birth wanted to attain immortality so that he could become the sole monarch of the world. But it was the monarchy of his giant ego by whose shadow he wanted to swallow the world. He wanted to eliminate all possible sources of death in his personal life. Now, he had a beautiful child called Prahlad. His father who wanted to teach his child that he, Hiranyakashyap, is greater than God, the Lord of the universe. Though the child loved his father, he did not believe his idea. He believed that Lord Hari was God and not his father. His father first tried various means to force this idea on the child but when Prahlad refused to accept it, he was enraged. He then tried various means to kill the child, by throwing him off the cliff, sending a snake to bite him, setting fire around him, but the child somehow was always saved by his simple faith and fearlessness. The father was getting more and more enraged at this till finally one day he decided to confront the child himself.

Threatening him to death, he asked: “Tell me who is greater, myself or Hari?” “Hari” was the child’s sweet and simple reply. “Why do you say so, you stupid boy? Don’t you see I am your father, the great King Hiranyakashyap, ruler over the three worlds, whom neither gods nor men, neither animals nor elements can kill, who has conquered Space and Time.”

The child fearlessly replied: “But father, Hari is everywhere. He is also beyond Space and Time and can take any form as He pleases. He is I everything.”

The father fumed at this reply. Pointing to an iron pillar in his royal hall, he mockingly asked his son, — “Oh so he is everywhere and in everything. So is he in this pillar too for very soon I intend to make this iron pillar red hot and tie you there.”

The child looked at the hot pillar and saw a little ant crawling over it. And with all his faith, he replied: “Yes, Hari my Lord, is in the pillar too.”

Now Hiranyakashyap’s rage went beyond all control. He took his mace and started hitting at the pillar. Each time he hit the pillar he would angrily ask: “Where is Hari, where is Hari? Show me, show me, where is Hari?”

Suddenly, the iron pillar broke up. And lo! Indeed Hari stepped out f the hot iron pillar in the form of Narsingh, the lion-man. A fight ensued and Hari as Narsingh destroyed Hiranyakashyap and enthroned Prahlad as the king over daityas.

The story short and simple as it runs, is one of the many fascinating symbolic tales that have come out of Indian thought and Spiritual vision and experience. In the story, the king over the three worlds, Hiranyakashyap is the giant ego that rules over the kingdom of mind, life and body so long as man lives in an asuric consciousness. The gospel of the ego is that there is no Truth, no God. All is simply matter and material energy and everything is meant to serve the interest of the human ego. According to Hiranyakashyap’s gospel; man can conquer death by mastering the outer forces of material nature. This is the gospel that we are teaching in our schools and colleges even today. The result is a greater and greater external control over material nature and physical space and time. But also an increasing domination of the human vital ego, an increasing anger, frustration, a self-destructive and world destructive frenzy that is intolerant of other views and ideas.

Yet, as a saving Grace, man has in him not only the ego-self but also the soul or his spiritual self. This spiritual-self in him is a younger birth, it comes later, when the ego-self has hardened and is ready to fall like a crust just as the outer and harder coat of the seed must break and release the inner seed. This spiritual-self in us that is seemingly born out of the ego-self is Prahlad, the child-divine. He is full of trust and devotion, direct knowledge, faith and surrender. He is fearless and full of peace and sweetness and joy. He knows that this universe is not mere matter but behind it there is the stable unchanging soul of Power and Love, Hari. He is seated in the heart of Time that uncoils infinitely; He is seated in the heart of Space upholding the cosmos and its million energies the image of Vishnu so beautifully conjured in the Puranas. This is the gospel of Prahlad, the soul within us.

For a long time, the soul lives as if under the shadow of the ego. But slowly it begins to assert itself. Once that starts happening, our being becomes a battlefield of conflict between the ego and the soul, between doubt in a spiritual world-view that holds and delivers matter out of Itself. Sometimes the one view predominates, sometimes another. The ego tries to destroy the soul and tests its faith but the soul is indestructible. The weapons cannot cleave it; nor fire destroy, as the Gita tells us.

Then the decisive hour arrives, the last ordeal and test before the victory. It is then that Hari, the Friend and Lord of all beings manifests Himself in us as a leonine figure, the lion-man, Narsingh. For it indeed needs a calm courage to overthrow the ego and offer its throne to the soul. This indeed is true bravery and heroism, to face our ego and destroy it so all in us may belong to Hari, the Divine Truth and Wisdom and Power and Love behind this world. Then Hari gives back this kingdom to the soul who must then govern our life and thoughts and emotions and the very body in the name of ‘Hari’ and make them beautiful and perfected instruments for God’s work in the world.

These are the two gospels that the world has known. So far, the human race has largely followed the way of Hiranyakashyap’s gospel except a few individuals here and there who have discovered Prahlad within them. No wonder the world is what it is today, full of greed and falsehood, governed by wars for domination and possession, ruled by vanity, fear, anger and death. But the time is coming near when Prahlad’s gospel would appear in every home I the form of children who would challenge the old materialistic view and a world-order full of hypocrisy, division and falsehood, built by the ego for the satisfaction of our vanity. More and more children will have the courage to seek Truth, to question the human ills born of our ego, even if it wears the garb of religious or secular ideologies. Hiranyakashyap will be vanquished from the face of the earth lifting the shadow from its face. The world and Nature will be once again reclaimed and ruled by Truth and Light and Sweetness and Love.

Alok Pandey

From Alokda

I have Multiple Questions About the Psychic Being …

Q from a seeker:
I have many questions about the psychic being …
Does the psychic have a personalistic quality? From reading Aurobindo it seems that the true inner mental and inner vital are purified forms of the outer versions of these.
Does the psychic being influence our mind?
Does an aspect of mind continue into next birth with the psychic?
What propels what to undergo on the spiritual journey?

The psychic being is that part in us that is turned towards the Divine. Aware of its immortality, it knows itself as a portion of the Divine Consciousness and hence naturally turns towards the Divine Light, Truth, vastness, Peace, bliss, Love of the Divine. It is in a natural affinity with these higher states.

However, it has entered the earthly play of Time and space so as to lift nature out of the state of darkness and inconscience in which creation has plunged. To do this it identifies itself with the lower nature that operates in division, and takes upon itself all its shades and colourings. It forgets itself, so to say and becomes whatever nature wants it to be. It is dragged by the forces of nature in a hundred directions since thus alone can it eventually accomplish its task.

Then going through life and death and rebirth and countless experiences and situations offered to the psychic being in the course of its journey through many lives, it grows from a spark to a flame and a fire that starts feeling a pull towards the yet unseen Sun of Divine Existence. As it feels a pull upwards, our nature, too tied to it, feels this upsurge that manifests in various ways such as being drawn towards things that have a touch of divinity. Those parts in us that feel the pressure and influence of the psychic being, that have developed to an extent, start feeling attracted towards divine things. The mind, filled with information and satisfied with superficial knowings, begins to experience a Godward seeking, at first expressing indirectly in the form of being drawn towards ‘spiritual books and spiritual Masters’.

This changes into a conscious seeking, a conscious aspiration that may take various forms such as the urge to serve the Divine, to be one with HIM etc. Along with this a true faith (as distinct from belief into a religion of our birth), devotion or bhakti, the spirit of surrender and sacrifice to the Divine begins to grow and take hold of our consciousness more and more. Experiences of another dimension, be it the feeling of inner Peace or Light or the awakening of faculties of inspiration, intuition, revelation etc. begin to dawn upon us, thereby preparing our nature, operating still under division, to start operating on the basis of oneness. The grip of the ego loosens and we begin to feel a natural pull inwards towards the seat of the psychic being and the Divine Presence within. With this pull, meditation becomes more and more spontaneous. Guidance begins to come from within us, and peace and felicity become a daily visitant and then a permanent guest. Our nature begins to share the refinement of the psychic being, and the cruder elements of our nature start dropping off spontaneously. Sensitivity towards divine things grows within and along with the divine qualities such as compassion, sincerity, gratitude occupy our house of mud and clay.

Thus slowly a psychic personality is formed with the true mental, true vital and the true physical around it. The true mental etc. are those parts of nature that have been rescued from the law of ignorance and have become an instrument and channel for the soul forces to pour upon the world. When the psychic personality reaches its full development, then it is free while under the conditions of the ignorance. It can choose then to merge into the Infinite, or come back as a Jivanmukta to help others, or else and along with it to participate in a new possibility of growth towards the supramental being. It can also fuse with one of the beings of the higher worlds and thereby become a demi-god.

All this takes time, but an opening to the Grace, a loving surrender, an utter abandon and self-giving to the Grace greatly facilitates the journey and shortens the path. One can further hasten it by treating the recalcitrant elements of nature that refuse to change by convincing them by the higher mind, by putting the soul pressure from within, by stepping back and refusing to give consent to its old ways, by applying steadily the pressure of will. But whatever the effort we apply it is always best to rely upon the Divine Grace and keep offering our efforts to the Grace that is here with all to help our home-coming. The Grace is with all but its most natural door through which IT operates directly without any hindrance is the psychic. Without the psychic opening one can hardly recognise the Grace or turn towards the spiritual path in real earnest.

Hope this touches upon some of the issues in your letter.
Alok Pandey

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