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At the Feet of The Mother

Opening Remarks for the Canto

Narad has released the word of Fate. Savitri has made her choice. The world in a state of ignorance represented by the queen watches helplessly the writing of Fate. What is worse, to the mind of the queen, is that Savitri knows now the consequence of this marriage which is doomed to die, yet she chooses to go by what her heart has chosen. The Queen has legitimate questions to ask about Fate and its strange ways, about human beings and the choices they make, about suffering and pain, about beings who come to help earth and man. Who else would be better suited than Narad, the celestial sage, once a human, to speak of the ways of Fate. The Master Poet therefore reveals all about suffering and pain and the ways of Fate through the lips of Narad, who once a man has become a demigod through his intense bhakti for the Lord.

This Canto is all about the way Fate works out God’s incalculable purpose in our lives. It is not about reward and punishment as about a difficult growth of consciousness out of a state of ignorance towards the light of wisdom and truth, out of utter self-oblivion to a state of total self-awareness, put of a helpless subjection to the countless forces of life that apparently determine the course and events of our journey to a state of freedom and mastery and peace and bliss.

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