One can be a yogi without being great and also one can be great without being a yogi. We take a look at the possible meeting of the two kinds of perfection in a human being.
उज्जैन, मध्य प्रदेश की इस वार्ता में हम योग समन्वय के बारे में विस्तार से जानते हैं, और देखते हैं की श्री अरविन्द ने अपनी लेखनी में कैसे इसे समझाया हे।
JNANA 7: What men call knowledge is the reasoned acceptance of false appearances. Wisdom looks behind the veil and sees. Reason divides, fixes details and contrasts them; Wisdom unifies, marries contrasts in a single harmony.
"O Consciousness, immobile and serene, Thou watchest at the confines of the world like a sphinx of eternity. And yet to some Thou confidest Thy secret. These can become Thy sovereign will which chooses without preference, executes without desire."