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At the Feet of The Mother


A Talk in Hindi (audio)
Individual ego is required to individualize a human being. In the same way, collective ego is required to imbibe the impression of reciprocity (parasparta ka aabhas). We should embrace the truth in collective ego.
A Talk in Hindi (audio)
In this talk, the speaker reads and explains the Chariot of Jagannath written by Sri Aurobindo. The speaker explains the four wheels of this chariot which are unity, freedom, knowledge, and power.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey (AUDIO IN HINDI)
At last Savitri’s journey comes to an end; the chariot comes to a halt before the one destined partner of her great game of life. She has discovered Satyavan even as Satyavan has discovered her. This great moment is captured now in the lines that follow.
A Talk in Hindi (audio)
The speaker explains how this truth got distorted over a period of time by the human consciousness. Speaker also explains how subtle truth in religions got distorted with time.