This is an audio recording of the first of two talks on flowers, which were delivered at Savitri Bhavan in December 2006 and January 2007. An excerpt from interview with Richard by Anie Nunnally is also posted.
"The problem of suffering and pain has a cosmic dimension and hence demands a cosmic solution as well. The evil in human heart is too deep-rooted and afflicts those too who come to succor and save."
Narad reveals how pain chisels out greatness and why is suffering allowed to those who are among the good and the great, whose very life is to serve a higher purpose and who live selflessly. This is a question that vexes all who look upon pain and suffering as some sort of judgment by God for our errors and sins.
Before the 24th April Darshan it may be helpful to get into the mood and atmosphere of the early days of Sri Aurobindo’s arrival and the earthly lila of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Often this is the simplest way to open one’s heart to Their Love and Compassion and Grace.