Thoughts are vehicles of states of consciousness. They are only formed in our brain but there origin is in the cosmic field. With Savitri they are uplifted by the soul and thereby transfigured.
Among the various paradoxes offered to the spiritual seeker one such is whether to accept things as they are or else to strive towards change. As we rise into a deeper and wider consciousness, these apparently opposite tendencies begin to resolve and reconcile. Today we read the Mother’s words to guide us through this journey.
Death once more tries to intimidate Savitri, to take away faith and steal hope but Savitri knows who she is and why she has come and the power of Love that she has brought with her.
In her deep meditation Savitri receives the Command for self-annulment so that all in her being may be one with God. So she sits, stepping back from form and name, a student and witness of her inner being.
There are special spheres of human experience where our Science cannot yet reach and its instruments fail to register anything substantial. One such realm is death, another is of coma. Today we shall take up the issue of coma.
Now Death tries to frighten her with the Furies and the unforgiving Law which he calls as his god. But Savitri replies to him with the greater Truth of God who loves and is compassionate and mighty and wise.