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At the Feet of The Mother


To the lives sundered can Time bring rejoining, Love that was slain be reborn with the body? In the mind null, from the heart’s chords rejected, Lost to the sense, but the spirit remembers!
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
Mind, life the playthings of a Titan's babe. As one it works who builds a mimic fort Miraculously stable for a while, Made of the sands upon a bank of Time Mid an occult eternity's shoreless sea.
Not with one moment of sharp close or the slow fall of a dim curtain the play ceases: Yet is there Time to be crossed, lives to be lived out, the unplayed acts of the soul’s drama.
Dr Alok Pandey and Narad on Savitri (VIDEO)
Thus streamed down from the realm of early Light Ethereal thinkings into Matter's world [...] To labour and to dream and new-create, To feel beauty's touch and know the world and self: The Golden Child began to think and see.