Savitri follows Satyavan in his journey through the Night. She reaches the domain where strange subconscious moods and dream-like visages and phantoms stare at her. Death turns to her being and cries to her to return back and go no further than this.
In this concluding session of the Aug 2018 Savitri Study we take up some selected portions of Book Nine and Ten to briefly state the different conceptions of God as stated by Death and as revealed by Savitri.
Mahasaraswati is the power of the Divine Mother who builds Perfectionю But what is Perfection, what does it mean and how we can open to this Perfection that is trying to express upon earth and in humanity?
Creation is neither an accident nor a strange act of some inexplicable Maya. It is not Desire that gave birth to creation but Delight. Desire is only a distortion of the pure Bliss that is found at the very root of creation and on its peaks.