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At the Feet of The Mother


The Mother clearly cautioned against forming any new religion or perpetuating the old. But one needs to differentiate between Religion in its essence, religious rituals and religiosity. In this talk we share some letters of Sri Aurobindo and words of the Mother as to what really constitutes religion and old forms or religious practices.
A Talk in English (video)
"Of all the powers that have gone into creation, the most powerful admittedly is Love. Without Love, creation could not be, without Love creation could not be pulled out of its darkness. But what really is Love, this most powerful lever that moves all things? It is the Mystery of mysteries, the Great Secret..."
22nd January is Shri Dilip Kumar Roy’s birthday. His has been an interesting and tumultuous journey. But what one finds most interesting and striking through his journey is Sri Aurobindo’s Compassion and the Mother’s Love. On this day we share some of the letters exchanged between him and the Master.
A Talk in English (video)
We know that yoga is not a set of physical exercises, the meaning of the word yoga is a union, but union with what or whom? What are the way and process in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother? How can we build our relations with Them? These are the major questions each of us has to find an answer to follow the Pathway to the Future They have prepared.
A Talk in English (video)
Why do we die and what's wrong with this question? How we do the Yoga of Cellular Transformation and what is incorrect with this question also? How to keep body fit for the physical transformation? What is The Mother's vision and does she see us? Finally - role of Gurus, Babas and other middlemen in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Please join the conversation ...