In every age of mankind there have been great beings, luminous Masters who have shown the Path towards the Divine. This time the Divine coming as the Mother forged a new bond between the seeker and the Master.
Sri Aurobindo has brought and implanted upon earth a new aspiration, the aspiration for terrestrial perfection, for an integral fulfillment of life. Savitri serves as an intermediary to awaken and help this aspiration to grow in man.
Appeared the far-seen Godhead of the whole,
His feet firm-based on Life’s stupendous wings,
Omnipotent or lonely seer of Time,
Inward, inscrutable, with diamond gaze.
Creation is neither an accident nor a strange act of some inexplicable Maya. It is not Desire that gave birth to creation but Delight. Desire is only a distortion of the pure Bliss that is found at the very root of creation and on its peaks.
Death now disdains love. It looks upon it with scorn and suspicion. Love is, for Death, an abnormality and an aberration. It is an ideal painted by human imagination with nothing substantial in it, says Death.
There seems to be a revival of the Nation-idea in recent times. On the other hand another idea that is getting strong is the idea of Internationalism. Today we share some of Sri Aurobindo’s thoughts on the subject.
A question is often asked about the initiation in this yoga. Savitri in fact starts with this process. It opens with an initiation of the earth and humanity into the yoga of creation. Indeed reading Savitri itself may serve as an initiation for the Path.