This talk is based on pp. 685 – 689 of Savitri. It starts with a question from one of the participants about the problem of action. After initial discussion the conversation turns towards Savitri.
Death tries to dissuade Savitri from establishing an ideal way of life upon earth. He tries to disillusion her showing the futility of all past efforts to create something beautiful upon earth.
Death contemptuously agrees to grant few boons to Savitri nothing her wisdom and strength. However he is unwilling the give back Satyavan. Savitri asks him to grant her all that Satyavan ever desired for himself.
This talk is based on a passage from Savitri pp. 323 – 325, where Aswapati is shown the secret plans of the Supreme that the Divine Mother has hidden in Her heart.
As man evolves, the society evolves, science and technology evolve, even religion and man’s contact with beings of the higher worlds evolve. What is the future of Religion which is becoming almost a dying spent up force, is this death a new beginning, the sign of a new birth?
This talk is based on passages from Savitri pp. 312 - 316 where the Seer-Yogi Aswapati stands face to face with the Divine Mother, seeking the fulfillment of his tapasya which is essentially the redemption of all mankind.
Worship is often taken as a ritual but there is a deeper sense within it, and if rightly done it becomes a means to enter into the consciousness of the worshipped. But more important than worship is to embody the qualities that are represented in these great luminous beings.