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At the Feet of The Mother


A Talk in English (video)
What is the essential core of Sri Aurobindo's vast and complex personality? On the one side we see him as an embodiment of tyaga (renunciation) and tapasya (concentrated spiritual endeavour), on the other - his tremendous compassion for earth and humanity.
A talk at Savitri Bhavan on 25th April 2009 by Prof. Arabinda Basu (1918 - 2012), who had first darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on 15th August, 1941. Several important letters on the Mother were written to him by Sri Aurobindo.
A Talk in English (video)
This talk is based on a passage from Savitri pp. 295 – 296 (B2C14), when Aswapati is face to face with the World-Mother and his gesture of complete surrender to Her. It is She who then opens the doors to the Greater Knowledge for him.
Satsang with Dr Alok Pandey in Australia 05/17 (video)
On being guided to avoid Guided Meditations. Turning to the Mother. Approaching the Highest via different deities.
Satsang with Dr Alok Pandey in Australia 04/17 (video)
Satsang with Dr Alok Pandey on the Psychic Being, including a passage from Savitri Book 7 Canto 5, The Finding of the Soul.
The great world-rhythms were heart-beats of one Soul, To feel was a flame-discovery of God, All mind was a single harp of many strings, All life a song of many meeting lives; For worlds were many, but the Self was one.